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God of War 3

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g The God of War 3 is one of ...


Red Dead Redemption

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How badly do you want to play...


Medal of Honor

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Under direct orders from Nati...


God of War

God of War 3

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g The God of War 3 is one of the most anticipated sequels of next year. Bathed in a mixture of action and platforms, thousands of gamers are anxiously awaiting this exclusive PlayStation 3, which concludes the trilogy of God of War recently emerged on the Internet cover art a God of War 3. Although this cover art for God of War 3 is not the final say, that is very good. As you can see by the image of it, this cover art for God of War 3 shows us the face of Kratos greatly expanded. The cover has such quality that even we can see the imperfections of the skin of Kratos, where apart from this detail, we can see his eye-thirsty vengeance.

PlayStation 3


Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption

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How badly do you want to play through a really great Western? I can think of some passable Western games, and if I try, I can even think of a couple good ones. As far as great ones go? I've been waiting for one of those since I slid out of the womb, and not in vain, as luck would have it.I think I dig Westerns in the same way I dig the post-apocalypse: it's a chance to get away from all the stupid bullshit that civilization has brought down upon us and spend a little time in a simpler, if more brutal, world. With the veneer of civilization stripped away we've got a pretty clear view of just how good or wicked people are, as well as a chance to be just as good or wicked as we ourselves want to be. I like me some moral ambiguity once in a while but a little bit goes a...

PlayStation 3


Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor

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Under direct orders from National Command Authority, a relatively unknown entity of soldiers hand-picked and called upon when the mission can not fail. They are the Tier 1 Operators.  More than 2 million soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines wear the uniform. Of these, approximately 50 000 are under the direct control of Special Operations Command. The Tier 1 Operator working on a plan beyond the best-trained soldiers of Special Operations Forces. The exact number of agents, although confidential, is a few hundred. They are instruments of war walking. Moreover, they are experts in the application of violence. The new Medal of Honor was inspired and developed with Tier 1 Operators of this elite community. The players will wear the uniform of soldiers and apply their unique skills against a new enemy in the most hostile conditions of battle in Afghanistan today.

PlayStation 3


Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War

Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War

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UNLOCKABLESMEDALSSupreme Ace medals require more than Standard Ace medals. For Standard medals, you must simply have the arrow in the relevant ace zone. For Supreme it must be all the way into the relevant zone. Broken Sword - Clear Mission 9- Bronze Ace - Destroy 200 enemies Bronze Wing - Get an "S" rank on every mission with all three Ace Styles on Normal difficultyDeliverance Bell - Clear Mission 6 ExpertMarksman - Destroy 50 enemy planes using only guns Gold Ace - Destroy 1000 enemies Gold Wing - Get an "S" rank on every mission with all three Ace Styles on Expert difficultyGuardian - Clear Mission 5Knight Ace - Clear game as Knight Marksman- Destroy 5 enemy aircraft with only gunsMercenary Ace- Clear game as MercenaryRagnarok- Clear Mission 15 with an -5" rankSharpshooter - Destroy 15 enemy aircraft with only gunsSilver Ace - Destroy 500 enemies Silver Wing - Get an "S" rank on every mission with all three...

PlayStation 2


Flatout 2

Flatout 2

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CODESAt the main screen enter the Extras menu. Enter any of the following:-    All Cars and 1 Million Creds - GIEVEPIX-    All Tracks - GIVEALL-    Big Rig - ELPUEBLO-    Big Rig Truck - RAIDERS-    Cash - GIVECASH- Flatmobile Car - WOTKINS-    Ice Cream Truck - RAIDERS-    Mob Car - BIGTRUCK -    Pimpster Car - RUTTO -    Rocket Car - KALJAKOPPA -    School Bus - GIEVCARPLZ

PlayStation 2


God Of War

God of War

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UNLOCKABLES-    A SecretRevealed - Beat the game on Spartan Mode-    Alternate costumes for Kratos - Beat the Challenge Of The GodsBirth of the Beast - Beat game once (any difficulty)Challenge of the Gods - Beat game once (any difficulty)Character Graveyard - Beat game once (any difficulty)Credits - Beat game once (any difficulty)Deleted Levels - Beat game once (any difficulty)GodMode - Beat game once (any difficulty)Heroic Possibilities - Beat game once (any difficulty) In-GameMovies - Beat game once (any difficulty)Making of God of War- Unlocked from beginningMonsters of Myth - Beat game once (any difficulty)SecretMessage 1 - Beat the game on God ModeThe Fate Of The Titan - Beat the game on Spartan ModeTrailers (Teaser andMagic Teaser) -Unlocked from beginningVisions of Ancient Greece - Beat game once (any difficulty)

PlayStation 2


Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero

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CODESEnter any of the following at the Game mode selection menu:-    Yellow, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Yellow - Character plays Air Guitar-    Blue, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Blue -Character plays Guitar Hero Guitar-    Yellow, Blue, Blue, Orange, Orange, Blue, Yellow - Crowd Cheat 1-    Yellow, blue, yellow, yellow, blue, blue, orange, orange - Crowd Cheat 2-    Orange, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Blue, Yellow - No Venue mode-    Orange, Blue, Yellow, Yellow, Blue,Blue, Orange, Yellow - Rock meter stays green (practice mode) - Yellow, Orange, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Blue, Yellow - Unlock AllUNLOCKABLESTHE BATTLE AXEBeat Career Mode on Expert DifficultyGUITAR GOD STATUSComplete every song including bonus tracks in normal, hard, and expert modes with a five star rating.SONGS- Acro-Brats: Call Out - $250 in Song Unlock Shop-    Anarchy Club: Behind theMask - $250 in Song Unlock Shop- Artillery: The Breaking Wheel - $250 in Song Unlock Shop-    Black Label Society (w/ Zakk Wyldel: Fire it up - $300 in Song Unlock Shop-    Count...

PlayStation 2


Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

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UNLOCKABLES- American Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once-    Animals - Defeat Ocelot by stamina depletion- AUSCOM Desert (Australian camouflage desert) fatigue - Beat Snake Eater once-    Banana Camouflage - Get the 1st record time in every stage of Snake vs. Monkey Mode-    Brown face paint - Beat Snake Eater once-    Cold War - Defeat Volgin by stamina depletion-    Desert Tiger camouflage fatigue -Beat Snake Eater onceDPM Camouflage - Beat Special Duel Mode (Disc 2) with 1st place score -    English Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once EZ Gun - Playing the game on Very Easy mode. -    EZ Gun (for modes above Very Easy) - Capture all 48 types of edible plants and animals -    Fire - Defeat The Fury by stamina depletion -    Flectar camouflage fatigue - Beat Snake Eater once -    French Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once German Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once Green Face Paint -...

PlayStation 2




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UNLOCKABLES-    100th Stray Bead - Complete the game-    Artwork - Complete the game- Invincibility- Collect all Stray Beads-    Karmic Returner - Complete the game-    Karmic Transformer 1 - Complete the game-    Karmic Transformer 2 - Complete the game-    Karmic Transformer 3 - Earn S-Rank for Deaths-    Karmic Transformer 4 - Earn S-Rank for Enemies Defeated-    Karmic Transformer 5 - Earn S-Rank for Money Gained -    Karmic Transformer 6 - Earn S-Rank for Demon Fangs Found-    Karmic Transformer 7 - Earn S-Rank for Praise Earned-    Karmic Transformer 8 - Earn S-Rank for Praise Earned-    Karmic Transformer 9 - Earn S-Rank for Praise Earned-    Music Test- Complete the game-    Secret Theatre - Accumulate more than 31 hours of play- Video Log - Complete the gameONE PIECE GRAND BATTLECODESALTERNATE COSTUMES FOR STRAW HATSDo all of these at the start screen. For the D costume hold R1.Left, X, Right, 0, Triangle, Left, Right, Square - Chopper's 4th Costume Up, 0, Up, 0, Square,...

PlayStation 2


One Piece Grand Battle

One Piece Grand Battle

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CODESALTERNATE COSTUMES FOR STRAW HATSDo all of these at the start screen. For the D costume hold R1.Left, X, Right, 0, Triangle, Left, Right, Square - Chopper's 4th Costume Up, 0, Up, 0, Square, X, X, Up - Luffy's 4th CostumeLeft, 0, Left, 0, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Down - Nami's 4th Costume-    Up, 0,Down, 0 Triangle, Square, Triangle, 0 - Sanji's 4th Costume Right, 0, Right, 0, X, Triangle, Square, 0 - Usopp's 4th Costume -    Down, 0,Down, 0, Square, X, X, Triangle - Zolo's 4th Costume

PlayStation 2


Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4

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UNLOCKABLES-    Alternate Title Screen - Finish the main game once-    Ashley's Knight Armour outfit - Beat Separate Ways-    Chicago Typewriter (Main Game)-Beat Separate Ways- Chicago Typewriter (Separate Ways) - Beat Assignment Ada-    Hand Cannon - Have each mercenary get a five star rating on all of the stages-    Infinite Rocket Launcher- Finish the game once-    Leon's Gangster outfit - Beat Separate Ways-    Matilda- Finish the game once-    Wrcenaries - Finish the main game once -    Movie Browser- Finish the game -    P.R.L 412 - Beat Professional Mode -    ProfessionalDifficulty - Finish the main game once - Separate Ways (Ada's Bonus Game) -Finish the main game once -    Separate ways movie browser - Beat Separate Ways once -    Special clothes for Leon, Ada and Ashley - Beat the main game ADA'S REPORT This will unlock a part of Ada's report in Extras. Complete all 5 chapters to get the full report. -    Ada's report on LosIlluminados -Complete Chapter 1 in...

PlayStation 2


Rogue Trooper

Rogue Trooper

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CODESEnter any of the following on the "extra" menu:-    UP, UP, UP, R2, R2, UP - Extreme Ragdoll-    L2, RIGHT, CIRCLE,DOWN, R1, SELECT-    Hippy Blood-    LEFT, RIGHT, UP,DOWN, L3, SQUARE-    Infinite Health-    SELECT, R1, L1, SELECT, R3, L1 -Infinite Supplies-    SQUARE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, UP, DOWN - Low Gravity Ragdol

PlayStation 2


Saint Seiya: The Hades

Saint Seiya: The Hades

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UNLOCKS LESGAME MODES-    Eternal BattleMode - Beat Saint Legend Mode once.-    LightningMode - Beat Saint Legend Mode once.-    Saint LegendMode - Beat The Hades Mode once.CHARACTERS-    (Surplices) Aphrodite - Beat Mephisto As Mu In Story Mode. -    (Surplices) Camus - Beat Mephisto As Mu In Story Mode. - (Surplices) Mephisto - Beat Mephisto As Seiya In Story Mode. (Surplices) Saga - Beat Mephisto As Mu In Story Mode.(Surplices) Shura - Beat Mephisto As Mu In Story Mode.- Aiacos - Proceed Aiacos In The Hades Mode.Aiolia - Proceed Him In Story Mode. Aiolos - Beat 20 battles In Eternal Battle Mode.- Aldebaran - Proceed Him In Story Mode.Aqurius Hyoga - Beat Aqurius Hyoga In Saint Legend Mode.-    Dohko - Proceed Him In Story Mode.-    Final Cloth Hyoga - Beat Rhadamanthys As Seiya In The Hades Mode. Final Cloth Ikki - Beat Rhadamanthys As Seiya In The Hades Mode.-    Final Cloth Seiya - Beat Rhadamanthys As Seiya In The Hades Mode.-  ...

PlayStation 2


Scarface: The World is Yours

Scarface: The World is Yours

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CODES1000 BALLSGo to cheats menu and enter FPATCH.

PlayStation 2


Shinobido Imashime

Shinobido Imashime

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CODESIRON STOMACHDuring playing the game, pause the game, hold down L1 and L2 and press Up Down Up Down Left Right Square. The stealth kill sound will play to confirm the code entered. You can now keep playing and now all items are edible and will restore HP.UNLOCKABLES-    Carry Over Play - Complete the game on ANY difficulty.- Crazy Ninja - View all 3 normal endings or see hidden ending.-    Difficulty: Very Hard - Complete the game on HARD or CRAZY NINJA difficulty. -    Garden Upgrades - Complete the game on ANY difficulty. -    GohModel Change - Complete the game on ANY difficulty. Goh's Hidden Clothes 1 - Complete the game on ANY difficulty. -    Goh's Hidden Clothes 2 - See all 3 normal endings or see hidden ending -    Iron Stomach- View all 3 normal endings. -    Kinu's Hidden Clothes - Complete the game on HARD or CRAZY NINJA difficulty. -    Theatre - Complete the game on ANY...

PlayStation 2


Sensible Soccer 2006

Sensible Soccer 2006

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UNLOCKABLESBOOTS (for custom made players)-    Blue boots - Win the Scots premier league-    Golden boots - Win the European cup - Green boots - Win the Portuguese 1st Div-    Orange boots - Win the Dutch 1st Div-    Red boots - Win the French 1st Div-    Silver boots - Win the EURO cup - White boots - Win the German cupFOOTBALLS -    All star ball - Win the Italian Cup -    Bright yellow ball - Win the Spanish cup - Classic old leather football - Win the English cup -    Retro black and white ball - Win the German 1st Div -    Tournament ball - Win the South American cup HAIRSTYLES (for custom players) - Afro - Win the German Shield -    Aging rocker - Win the Portuguese cup -    Bouffant - Win the Super cup -    Monk spot - Win the French league cup -    Mullet - Win the English shield -    Ponytail - Win the Spanish shield -   ...

PlayStation 2


Soulcalibur III

Soulcalibur III

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UNLOCKABLES CHARACTERS- Abelia - Clear Chronicle 18 in Chronicles of the Sword or play 1050 battles.-    Abyss - Defeat him after Yoshimitsu, Olcadan, Rock, Sophitia, Lizardman, and Cervantes are unlocked or play 725 battles.-    Amy - Beat Beloved on Easy or play 1200 battles-    Arthur - Defeat him in Tales of Souls or play 550 battles.-    Aurelia - Clear Chronicle 12 in Chronicles of the Sword or play 900 battles.-    Cervantes - Defeat him in Tales of Souls or play 625 battles.-    Chester - Clear Chronicles 19 inChronicles of the Sword or play 950 battles. - Demuth- Clear Chronicle 10 in Chronicles of the Sword or play 850 battles.-    Giradot - Clear Chronicle 15 in Chronicles of the Sword or play 800 battles.-    Greed - Defeat him in Tales of Souls or play 500 battles.-    Hualin - Defeat him in Tales of Souls or play play 750 battles. -    Hwang - Defeat him in Tales of Souls or play...

PlayStation 2


The Suffering: Ties That Bind

The Suffering: Ties That Bind

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CODESPress and Hold Ll, R, X during gameplay, then enter anyone of the following codes. You will get a message that confirms correct code entry:- All items and weapons (excludes Gonzo) - Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, R2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, R2, Down, Down, Down, R2, R2.-    Full Health - Down, Down, Down, R2, Up, Up, Down, Up, R2.-    Gonzo Gun - Left, R2, R2, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, R2, R2, R2, Down, Up, Down, Up, R2.-    Reload ammunition for current gun -Right, Right, Down, Up, Left, Right, Left, Left, R2. -    Arsenal - down, right, up, left, down, R2, left, left, right, right, R2, down, up, left, right, R2. -    Dream State - left, left, R2, right, right, R2, up, up, R2, down, down, R2. - Full Ammo Current Thrown - left, left, up, down, right, left, right, right, R2. -    Full Blood - down, up, left, right. - Zero...

PlayStation 2


Super Dragonball Z

Super Dragon Ball Z

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UNLOCKABLESCHARACTERS/LEVELSWish you had more characters? This is the way to unlock them. First though, you'll have to collect all 7 Dragon Balls and have access to the Enhanced set of Wishes (it's unlocked after making two or three wishes). You can only make one wish each time you collect the 7 Dragon Balls.-    King Kai's Planet - Make over 5 wishes and then wish it from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes-    Krillin's Secret Wish - Defeat all opponents in Z-Survivor mode without losing, including the double-or-nothing match. -    King Piccolo - Wish him from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes. -    Majin Vegeta - Wish him from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes. -    Mecha Frieza - Make over 10 wishes to unlock the wish for him. Then wish for him from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes. -    Ultimate Gohan - Wish him from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes. -    Videl...

PlayStation 2


Tales of Legendia

Tales of Legendia

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UNLOCKABLESSKITSComplete the following actions to earn the skits. You can check these out at any time once you start the Character Quests. Just go to the Country Cottage outside of Werites Beacon.-    A Simple Question - Have Norma learn a new crystal eres- Act Your Age - Defeat the Dragon - An Angel's Quill - Make Shirley's Angelic Quill-    Aren't You Cold? - Remove Shirley's equipment-    Check Out Our Rock Collection - Get all eres stones- Checkin' Out Chloe - Remove Chloe's equipment - Chloe's Body Issues - Have Chloe reach Level 62 -    Climax Combo - Use Climax Combo for the first time -    Climax Mode - Use Climax Mode for the first time -    Doing Great! - Have Moses finish off an enemy at full HP and TP -    Don't Be Wasteful - Have Senel use more than 10 items in one battle -    Eres Stones - Defeat an enemy who drops an eres stone -    Finders...

PlayStation 2


Tourist Trophy

Tourist Trophy

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UNLOCKABLESBIKESBeat the following races to unlock the corresponding bike-    Buell LIGHTNING CITYX XB9SX '05- Fuji Speedway 80's: Nostalgic Festival-    Honda CB1300 SUPER FOUR '05 - Grand Valley Speedway: Heavyweight Series-    Honda CB1300 SUPER FOUR '05 - High Speed Ring: Heavyweight Series-    Honda CB400four '74 - Autumn Ring Mini: Sunday CupHonda CB750F '79 - Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway: Heavyweight Series Honda CB750F '79 - Autumn Ring: Under 1000cc HONDA CB750F Racing Modified '81 - Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca: Master of Eagles -    Honda CBR954 Fireblade '02 - Midfield Raceway: Under 1000cc -    Honda CBR954 FireBlade '02 - Infineon Raceway: Master of Eagles -    Honda VT250F Racing Modified '82-    Suzuka Circuit West Course: Under 750cc-    Honda XR250 Motard '05 - Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway: Under 250cc-    Honda XR250 Motard '05 - Suzuka Circuit East Course: Under 750cc-    Kawasaki GPZ900R Racing Modified '84 - Trail Mountain Circuit: Euro Star Series-    Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R Racing Modified '00 - Twin Ring Motegi...

PlayStation 2


Urban Chaos: Riot Response

Urban Chaos: Riot Response

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CODESOn the Main Menu screen, hit the following buttons: Up, Up, Down, Down, Circle, Down, Up, Circle. This will unlock a cheat option on the title screen, so enter it and press X to enter these passwords, exactly as they appear. All codes can be turned on and off apart from level unlock code.-    DVICINGFEET - Activate disco mode-    BURNERSREVENGE- Activate terror mode-    BURNINGBULLET- Bullets set fire to enemies-    KEEPYOURHEAD- No heads-    WHATWASTHAT - Turns on squeaky voices-    FRYINGTIME- Unlock long range stungun -    MINIFUN- Unlock minigun, replaces the pistol -    ULTIMATEPOWER- Unlock MK3 assault rifle with unlimited grenades -    ZEROTOLERANCE- Unlock MK4 pistol -    ISEEYOU- Unlock Thermal MK2 -    KEYTOTHECITY- Unlocks all levels and emergencies UNLOCKABLES MEDALS/TERROR DIFFICULTY -    Other levels of medals - Complete the game. -    TerrorDifficulty - Complete the game. ARMOUR, WEAPONS & UPGRADES -    AssaultRifle Damage Upgrade -Collect 32 Medals -    Extra AssaultRifle Clip - Collect 40 Medals -    Extra Pistol Clip - Collect...

PlayStation 2


The Warriors

The Warriors

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CODESEnter any of the following codes during gameplay:-    100% - L1, Select, Square, Down, L2, Right-    200 dollars, 3 pieces of Flash, and some cans. - R1, R2, L1, X, Down, L1-    Bat - Square, R2, Down, Down, L1, L1-    Bum Advice Upgrade - Circle, Circle, Down, R2, L2, Circle-    Complete mission you're on - Down, Square, X, Select, R1, Left-    Give Player Molotov - Right, Select, Circle, Left, Circle, Square -    Infinite Rage - Square, Circle, Triangle, Select, X, Left -    Infinite sprint - down,square,left,x,L1 ,select -    Knife - Down, Down, Select, Up, Up, L3 -    Lose cops - Up, Select, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square -    Machete - L1, X, R1, R1, Select, R2 -    Pipe - R2, Circle, Select, Up, Ll, Right -    Unbreakable Bat - L3, L3, Circle, Up, Circle, Select -    Unlock Combat Stamina Upgrade - X, L1, Down, Square, Up, X

PlayStation 2


Civilization 4

Civilization IV

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CODESTo enable cheats you must edit the configuration file located in the Civilization install directory. Once open put in -CheatCode = chipotle" While in game, open the console with the tilde key (—) and use command "game. toggledebugmode-.With debug mode turned on you can press SHIFT+T to open CheatDialog to alter Gold and Technology.DEBUG CODES-    Console.Clear - Clear the console - - Game.showWBPalette boot bCreate - Debugging-    Help - Displays all console codes-    Console.History - Dump console command historyGame.AIPlay<turn #> - Forces Al to plat a certain number of turns-    Profile.morphGlobe<integer> -Morph the globeview count times.-    Profile.rebuildCity <x coordinate>, <y coordinate>, <integer> - Rebuild city indicated number of times-    Profile.rebuildPlot <x coordinate>, <y coordinate>, <integer> - Rebuild plot indicated number of times-    Graphics.ReBuildTerrain- Rebuilds terrain and lighting-    Xml.reloadArtDefines- Reload Civ4ArtDefines.xml-    Xml.reloadLandscapeInfo- Reload Civ4TerrainSettings.xml-    Xml.reloadGameText- Reload Game Text xml files-    Sound.reload - Reloads audio scripts-    Graphics.SetHillScale<number> -Sets hills' scale-    Graphics.SetPeakScale<number> -Sets peaks' scale-    Player.seGold <player #>, <amount>- Sets players gold...



Call of Juarez: The Cartel

Call of Juarez: The Cartel

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CODESPress the tilde key (—) to bring up the console and enter any of the following:-    Cheat.Heal() - Brings health back to 100-    Cheat.GiveAmmo(1- Full ammo-    Cheat.GiveRifle()- Gives a rifle-    Cheat.GiveDynamite()- Gives dynamite-    Cheat.God(0)- God mode off-    Cheat.God(1)- God mode on-    Cheat.MagicAmmo(01- Unlimited ammo and no reloading off-    ChealMagicAmmo(11- Unlimited



Age of Empires III

Age of Empires 3

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CODESHit the ENTER key and key in the code: - A recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese - Fattens all animals on map-    Give me liberty or give me coin- Gives 10,000 coin-    Medium Rare Please - Gives 10,000 food <censored> - Gives 10,000 wood Nova & Orion - Gives 10,000 XPX marks the spot - Reveals map (fog of war still there)tuck tuck tuck - Spawns a big red monster truck that can run over anything-    Ya gotta make do with what ya got -Spawns the Mediocre Bombard at your Home City gather point-    S000Good - Turn on -Musketeer'ed!“when you get killed by Musketeers-    Speed always wins - Turns on 100x gather/build rates



Company of Heros

Company of Heros

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CODESDuring gameplay, hold CTRL + SHIFT + TILDE(—) or CTRL + SHIFT + M to open the console, then enter any of the following codes (close the console using ctrl/shift/tilde): - ee_bigheadmode(1/0) - Big Head Mode. 1 for on, 0 for off. - statgraph() - Enable -statgraph_ channel- codes - statgraph_channel("fps") - Display frames per second -    taskbar_hide - Hide taskbar -    abortgame - Quit game -    restart - Restart game -    setsimrate<number> - Set game speed (default is 8)



The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code

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CODESGo the options menu then select the cheats sub-menu. Enter any of the following codes for the related result:-    Et In Arcadia Ego - Unlock all bonuses.-    Apocrypha - Unlock all Visual Database :ntrles.-    SacredFeminine - Double Health. - Vitruvian Man - God Mode.-    Clos Luce 1519 - Level Select.-    Phillips Exeter - One Hit Fist Kill-    Royal Holloway- One Hit Weapon Kil



The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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CODESDuring gameplay, hit the tilde key [—] to bring up the console. You can now enter in any of the following cheats. Bear in mind though, that certain commands may require you to select an object with the mouse while the console is open. tgm - God Mode (don't target while you type this). -    TFC - Free flying camera. - TAI - Toggle Al. -    TDETECT- Toggle Al detection. -    TCAI - Toggle combat Al. -    Tor - Toggle debug display. -    TFH- Toggle Full Help. -    TG - Toggle Grass. - TLL - Toggle land LOD. - TLV - Toggle leaves. - TS - Toggle sky. -    TT - Toggle trees. - TWS - Toggle water. -    TWF- Toggle wireframe mode. -    TCL - Toggles collision - you go in the direction you're facing. -    TFOW - Toggles fog of war. - TM - Toggles hiding of all menus. -    TWR- Toggles Water Radius. -    ShowSubtitle -...



Fear: First Encounter Assault Recon

Fear: First Encounter Assault Recon

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CODESPress the 'T' key while in gameplay to enter any of the following cheats:-    All Weapons - guns-    All weapons + infinite ammo - tears-    Display build version - build-    Drops current weapon - gimmegun turret -    Full Armor - armor-    Get an assault rifle - gimmegun assault rifle-    Get cannon - gimmegun cannon-    Get dual pistols - gimmegun dual pistols-    Get frag grenades - gimmegun frag grenade-    Get Full Health - health-    Get Loads of Ammo - ammo-    Get a missile launcher - gimmegun missile launcher-    Get a nail gun - gimmegun nail gun-    Get a pipe bomb - gimmegun remote charge-    Get a pistol - gimmegun pistol-    Get a plasma railgun - gimmegun plasma weapon-    Get a semi-auto rifle - gimmegun semi-auto rifle-    Get a shotgun - gimmegun shotgun-    Get an SMG - gimmegun submachinegun-    Get a trip mine - gimmegun proximity-    Ghost mode - poltergeist-    God Mode - god-    More health and boosted reflexes - gear-  ...





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CODESHold [CM] + [Alt] + [—] during gameplay to bring up the console window. Enter in any of the following:-    Giveammo - Ammunition-    Notarget - Enemies can't see you - give all - Get everything-    god - God mode-    givehealth - Health-    kill - kill yourself-    noclip - Turn ghost mode on/off - spawn monster_centurion - Spawns a Centurion -    spawn monster_fodder - Spawns a Fodder -    spawn monster_hound - Spawns a Hound -    spawn monster_hunter - Spawns a Hunter - spawn monster_mutate - Spawns a Mutate UNLOCKABLES CASINO MODE After you've beaten Prey, head to the main menu, then New Game. You should see "Casino Mode" above Normal mode. Select this to play the casino games in Jen's Bar.



Tomb Raider: Legend

Tomb Raider: Legend

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UNLOCKABLESEARN THE CHEATSYes, you actually have to earn the right to use the cheat codes! Here's how:-    Bulletproof Lara - Complete England in less than 27:00-    Draw Enemy Health- Complete Bolivia in less than 12:30-    Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo - Complete Japan in less than 12:15-    Infinite Grenade Launcher ammo -Complete Kazakhstan in less than 27:10 -    Infinite Shotgun ammo - Complete Ghana in less than 20:00 -    Infinite SMG ammo - Complete Peru in less than 21:30 -    One Shot kill - Complete Bolivia Redux in less than 4:15 -    Wield Excalibur - Complete Nepal in less than 13:40 -    Wield Soul Reaver - Complete Game and all time trials USE THE CHEATS Here's what you have to enter (in-game) if you want to use the unlockable codes (see above): -    Hold Backspace and press 7 -Bulletproof Lara -    Hold Backspace and press 3 - Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo -    Hold Backspace and press 4 - Infinite Grenade...



Sin Episodes: Emergence

Sin Episodes: Emergence

News image

CODESHit the — Button and enter "sv_cheats 1" to enable cheats. Then enter any of the following:-    impulse 101 - All Weapons And Ammo-    God - Gives you god mode--    Notarget - No enemy can see you-    health 999 - Sets your health to 999-    noclip - Walk through walls and objects-    changelevel (Name of Level) - Warp to Level



Scarface: The World Is Yours

Scarface: The World Is Yours

News image

CODES1000 BALLSGo to cheats menu and enter FPATCH.      



Rush For Berlin

Rush For Berlin

News image

CODESDuring gameplay, hit "Enter", enter one of the following, then hit "Enter" again.-    iamchucknorrislnstant - Win / Level Skip-    chucknorrishim - Instant Kill (selected unit]-    lethimbechucknorris - Increase unit level-    openforchucknorris - All campaign and missions are open-    tobechucknorris - Invincibility- gimmechucknorris - Adds Resources



Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War

Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War

News image

CODESHit Enter, then type in the cheat!-    WIN - Automatic victory-    OlYMPUS - Gold, Wood, Glory, & Full Stamina-    INEEDNIN - Skip level in campagin



Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

News image

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 brings back the team of rejects from the army to do more good number of missions of the most unpalatable (the kind you do not...

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Prison Break: The Conspiracy

Prison Break: The Conspiracy

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Tom Paxton, a Company agent, is dispatched on a mission into Fox River Penitentiary after Michael Scofield, an engineer with no previous criminal record, suddenly attempts a bank robbery...

Xbox 360


Ghost Recon 4: Future Soldier

Ghost Recon 4: Future Soldier

News image

Created by the award-winning team behind Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will feature cutting-edge technology, prototype...

Xbox 360


Assassins Creed 2

Assassins Creed 2

News image

Assassin's Creed II is a third person action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the...

Xbox 360


Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

News image

GOD MODEPause the game, then hold the L trigger and press X, Y, Y, X. Then hold the R trigger and press Y, X, X, Y. Get it right...

Xbox 360


Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

Battlefield II: Modern Combat

News image

UNLOCK ALL WEAPONSDuring gameplay in the Campaign mode, hold the left and right bumper buttons, then press Right, Right, Down, Up, Left, Left on the D-Pad

Xbox 360


Amped 3

Amped 3

News image

CODES Go to the main menu, then options, then cheat codes:-    All Awesomeness - RB, RB, Down, Left, Up, RT, X, RB, X, X-    All Build Licenses - Left,...

Xbox 360


Far Cry Instincts Predator

Far Cry Instincts: Predator

News image

At the cheats menu, input these codes:-    ImJackCarver - Refill Health (only during gameplay)-    GiveMeltAll - Evolution Game -    Bloodlust - Infinite Adrenaline-    UnleashHell ... Infinite Ammo-    FeralAttack -...

Xbox 360


The Godfather

The Godfather

News image

CODES Enter the following at the Career Progress screen:-    Y, LEFT, Y, RIGHT, X, RIGHT ANALOGUE STICK (CLICK IN) - Full Ammo-    LEFT, X, RIGHT, Y, RIGHT, LEFT ANALOGUE...

Xbox 360


MotoGP 06

MotoGP 06

News image

Go to the Game Mode screen and enter•    Right, Up, B, B, A, B, Up, B, B, A. UNLOCKABLES ACHIEVEMENTS Extreme Bike Collector (50) - Purchase all extreme bikes50...

Xbox 360


NBA Live 07

NBA Live 07

News image

UNLOCKABLESACHIEVEMENTS-    Challenge an online user/ranked (100)-    Challenge an online user to a Ranked game and finish this game.Four users on one machine (50) -Play and finish a game with...

Xbox 360


Ninety-Nine Nights

Ninety-Nine Nights

News image

UNLOCKABLES SPECIAL STAGE If you want to fight the King of Nights, you need to complete each character's story and then play Inphyy's last stage again. Boo-ya! CHARACTERS-    Aspharr...

Xbox 360


Perfect Dark Zero

Perfect Dark Zero

News image

UNLOCKABLES ACHIEVEMENTS -    1 Co-op Mission On Dark Agent -Complete 1 Co-Op mission on Dark Agent Difficulty- 1 Solo Mission On Dark Agent -Complete 1 Solo mission on Dark...

Xbox 360




News image

-    All Fall Down (15) - All Fall Down completed.- Ascent (40) - Ascent completed.-    Black Jack (10) - $250 won on Black Jack.-    Brave Star (15) - Reached...

Xbox 360


Project Gotham Racing 3

Project Gotham Racing 3

News image

UNLOCKABLESArcade Player (15) - Play Geometry Wars 1 and 2 in the garage.Bronze Champion (50) - Complete all championships at Bronze level.Cat Champion (10) - Win a Cat &...

Xbox 360


Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis

Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis

News image

UNLOCKABLESGET ALL CHARACTERSThe quickest way to get all the characters is probably through total win counts, plus you can notch up wins in tournament or exhibition with any settings....

Xbox 360


Saints Row

Saints Row

News image

CODESWORKING PHONE NUMBERSPause your game and hit the L or R trigger to get to your phone. Dial one of the following in then hit Call. Note, you don't...

Xbox 360


Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

News image

    CODES Please note that you'll need to re-enter cheats for each new extraction point. ALL LEVELS At the Mission Select screen hold the back button, Left trigger...

Xbox 360


XMEN: The Official Game

XMEN: The Official Game

News image

CODES DANGER ROOM LEVELS Enter any of these cheat codes at the Cerebro Files Menu:-    Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Down, Up, Start - Iceman's Danger Room level-  ...

Xbox 360


50 Cent: Bulletproof

50 Cent: Bulletproof

News image

CODES Pause the game, then select options, then select cheats from the menu:-    Action 26 - orangejuice-    All Music Tracks - GrabAllThat50-    All Weapons - GotThemRachets-    Bulletproof (Invincible) -...

Xbox 360




News image

CODES -    Get BFG weapon - Enter the code -55013-STHA-ZFFV-7XEV- as your name when creating a profile. You'll then be returned to the Profile Name screen where you can...

Xbox 360


Blazing Angels: Squadrons Of WWII

Blazing Angels: Squadrons Of WWII

News image

-    Increase WeaponsDamage - Pause the game and hold down the left trigger and enter white button, white button, black button. Then hold down the right trigger and quickly...

Xbox 360


Commandos Strike Force

Commandos Strike Force

News image

CODES When selecting a profile name, enter the following to unlock all missions: TRUCO      

Xbox 360


Driver: Parallel Lines

Driver: Parallel Lines

News image

CODES Enter any of the following at the Cheat screen:-    All Vehicles - Enter CARSHOW-    All Weaponsln Your Time Zone - Enter GUNRANGE-    Indestructible Cars- Enter ROLLBAR-    Infinite Ammunition-...

Xbox 360


Flatout 2

Flatout 2

News image

    CODES At the main screen enter the Extras menu. Enter any of the following:-    All Cars and 1 Million Creds - GIEVEPIX-    All Tracks - GIVEALL-    Big...

Xbox 360


Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers

Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers

News image

CODES UNLOCK ALL LEVELS Enter in -FULLSPECTRUMPWNAGE- in the bonus material cheats menu and you'll be able to choose any level from restart on the play menu. The cheat...

Xbox 360


Lego Star Wars II

Lego Star Wars II

News image

CODES PASSWORDS Head to the bar in the Cantina and go to "Enter Code". Enter any of the following:-    UCK868 - Beach Trooper-    BEN917 - Ben Kenobi (Ghost)-    VHY832...

Xbox 360


Rogue Trooper

Rogue Trooper

News image

CODES To activate these codes, enter them while in the "Extras.' Menu. You can then select them from the "Cheats" menu-    Up, Up, Up, Black, Black, Black, Up -Extreme...

Xbox 360


Sonic Riders

Sonic Riders

News image

CODES UNLOCKABLES NEW STORY MODE -    Babylon Story - Complete Hero StoryHIDDEN CAMEO CHARACTERS- AiAi - Beat all Jet, Wave and Storm missions-    Nights - Beat all Jet, Wave...

Xbox 360


Suffering Ties That Bind

The Suffering: Ties That Bind

News image

CODES During gameplay, press and hold the Left and Right Triggers and enter anyone of the following codes. You will get a message that confirms correct code entry:-    All...

Xbox 360


Tomb Raider: Legend

Tomb Raider: Legend

News image

CODES UNLOCK THE CODES Yes, you actually have to earn the right to use the cheat codes! Here's how:-    Bulletproof Lara - Beat the game and finish England's Time...

Xbox 360


Urban Chaos: Riot Response

Urban Chaos: Riot Response

News image

CODES On the Main Menu screen, hit the following buttons: Up, Up, Down, Down, Y, Down, Up, Y. This will unlock a cheat option on the title screen, so...

Xbox 360


The Warriors

The Warriors

News image

CODES Enter any of the following during•    gameplay:-    $200, Flash and Spraypaint - Black, Click Left Thumbstick, R, A, Down, R-    100% Completion - R, Back, X, Down, L,...

Xbox 360

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This site is best viewed with firefox browser. You may need Firefox to complete the subscription page.

To Download files type your search in the search box on the right navigation menu and press enter.

To Download Files you must first register an account and choose your subscription from the right navigation menu. There is also a free option available on the subscription page which will appear after you register and activate your account via email and login. You must subscribe again to receive 5 credits for downloading files, this is to prevent leeching of files and robots and is not to annoy you, upgrading to Gold Member allows Unlimited downloads unless the subscription is cancelled.


Please Note: You will get an error message "Your Download Limit is Exhausted" if you run out of credits and then you need to click subscribe again and get 5 more download credits. P.S  You will never get a virus from a dos game in dosbox. Period!

Downloads are all in compressed archives with extensions of zip, rar, 7z, ace. These files must first be extracted over the origional files.


Use these Downloads at your own risk.

Because this site for all intense and purpose is aimed at the linux Wine app layer and files are provided because the WineHQ website specifically advises the use of a Crack/NOCD to allow the software to function due to the failure to provide copy protection functionality in the Wine software.

Cracks/NOCD downloads are not viruses and some Anti-Virus companies mark the files as Viruses to prevent use of NOCD/Cracks on Windows, Most of the files marked as a virus or generic.Tojen are actually a fake virus this is because the software companies provide data in those files to a Anti-Virus Company in order to prevent the NOCD/Crack from working. As mentioned use the files on this site at your own risk because some of the files may contain fake Viruses but if used on Linux/Windows they shouldn't have any actual effect on the system.

One great thing about Linux is that spyware is unable to effect the system because the one major difference between Windows and Linux is that it is written without a registry which is where most or all spyware is designed to infect which Windows relies soley on, and so there is one major reason to use Wine, Cedega as an application layor to run Windows software and games even though the registry files still exist the system doesnt depend on it so the spyware is unable to function.


Extra Repositories for Lucid Lynx

A Few Tips


Make sure that the Synaptic package manager is installed in Lucid Lynx by opening a terminal and typing

sudo apt-get install synaptic

Run Synaptic once it is installed. You will find it in (Ubuntu) System>Administration or (Kubuntu) Applications>System

Synaptic Package Manager

Synaptic Package Manager, the Front End of Apt-Get

Then bring out her voice with the Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu Restricted Extras and Medibuntu repositories; and enable the repositories that come with Ubuntu but which are disabled by default. Sounds complicated, it isn’t and I’ll talk you through it (some of it.. enough of it to get you through!).

Ensure wget, vlc, ffmpeg and imagemagick are installed (they should be) by typing:

sudo apt-get install wget vlc ffmpeg imagemagick

Now you’re ready to dress our lucid lynx in some damn sexy kit.


Medibuntu provides the multimedia codecs that cannot be distributed with Ubuntu due to legal restrictions. Installation is easy, just type or copy and paste the following code into a terminal to install the Medibuntu repository (see bootnotes one and two):

sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update

Then copy and paste this next bit into your terminal:

sudo apt-get --yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu

Now you’re ready to install the encrypted DVD and non-native media format codecs.

Enter this command into your terminal to enable encrypted DVD playback:

sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2

And choose the correct command below to enable non-native media playback for your system:

i386 computers

sudo apt-get install w32codecs

amd64 computers

sudo apt-get install w64codecs

ppc computers

sudo apt-get install ppc-codecs

If you want to install Acrobat Reader you should type “acroread” into Synaptic.

Bootnote One

The Medibuntu DNS server is not always available. This results in the errors listed below being reported when the package lists are updated:

W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/Release.gpg  Could not connect to packages.medibuntu.org:80 ( - connect (110: Connection timed out)

W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/free/i18n/Translation-en_GB.bz2 Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:

W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/non-free/i18n/Translation-en_GB.bz2 Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:

W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/free/binary-amd64/Packages.gz Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:

W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/non-free/binary-amd64/Packages.gz Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:

W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/free/source/Sources.gz Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:

W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/non-free/source/Sources.gz Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:

There is a fix, thanks to Andrew and Defrysk at WebUpD8. Copy and paste this snippet into your terminal to bypass the DNS servers:

echo " packages.medibuntu.org" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Bootnote Two

The Medibuntu PGP Key as provided above is currently out of date and has only been included because it is the one mentioned in the official Medibuntu Howto. The currently working one is available from both the Mit Edu Key Server and the Veridis Key Server. The easiest way to add the key from the Mit PGP Key Server is to copy and paste this snippet into a terminal:

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver pgp.mit.edu 0C5A2783
Enable the Disabled Repositories

Open Synaptic, click “Settings” in the top bar menu then click “Repositories”.

Synaptic Software Sources

Synaptic Software Sources

Ensure that all software sources listed under the first tab labeled Ubuntu Software are ticked. Disregard Installable from CD-ROM/DVD.

Tick all software sources listed under the second tab, Other Software, are also ticked. Revisit this tab whenever you add new repositories via the command line.

Install the Restricted Extras

Search Synaptic for “restricted extras”, scroll down the list of packages and find “*buntu Restricted Extras”. Choose to install all versions that match your desktop environment.

Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio provides a lot of audio and video playback, streaming, editing and creation software. There is no longer any need to add a separate repository to add Ubuntu Studio packages to a regular Ubuntu desktop system. Add Ubuntu Studio by searching Synaptic for “Ubuntu Studio” and clicking the packages you wish to install. Select “Ubuntu Studio Desktop” to install all available Ubuntu Studio components.


This is still the best way to install and manage multiple versions of Wine. It provides access to multitudinous Windows software installation scripts which make installing Windows programs into Lucid Lynx a breeze.

The home page for PlayOnLinux is here.

Add the PlayOnLinux repository to Lucid Lynx and install it with

sudo wget http://deb.playonlinux.com/playonlinux_lucid.list  -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install playonlinux

VirtualBox allows guest operating systems to be installed within a host operating system. The guest OS is installed on a (emulated) virtual machine and runs at the same time as the host. Good for those who need to use multiple operating systems without rebooting their machines. Fantastic for Linux users who want to run Windows games that will not work in Wine (use VB to install Windows within Linux). The guest will only function once you switch it on (boot the OS with VirtalBox).

The home page is here.

64-bit and 32-bit users should use this terminal command to add the VirtualBox repository, the PPG Key and to install the package:

sudo echo deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian lucid non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-3.2

The actual package name (virtualbox-3.2) could change. You can browse for the package “virtual” with Synaptic to ensure you get the most up to date version. I advise against the Open Source Edition (OSE) because it lacks some essential functionality.


The privacy advocate’s essential security component. IPList is similar to the PeerGuardian program used on Windows – it prevents file downloads from IP addresses that are known to be espiant. That is to say that some people provide downloads and seed torrents for the sole purpose of spying on and tracking down downloaders. IPList drops data packets downloaded from such uploaders and seeders thus helps protect downloader’s privacy.

The homepage is here.

Add the repository by copying and pasting this code into a terminal:

sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iplist.list
sudo echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ssakar/ppa/ubuntu lucid main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iplist.list
sudo echo "deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ssakar/ppa/ubuntu lucid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iplist.list
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com C6E3D905C8BCD56BB02E6E0B39456311108B243F
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install iplist
GetDeb and PlayDeb

GetDeb and PlayDeb provide prebuilt Debian application and game packages for Ubuntu distros. Where the Ubuntu and GetDeb or PlayDeb repositories provide the same software, the packages provided by GetDeb and PlayDeb are more up to date than those provided by Ubuntu.

The homepage of GetDeb is here.

The homepage of PlayDeb is here.

At the time of writing this, both repositories and homepages are unavailable. According to their blog they will be up and running again soon. I will update with their repository details as soon as I am aware they are available.


The version of MAME provided by the official Lucid Lynx Ubuntu repo is out of date. A much better one is provided by WallyWeek.org.

You can add the Lucid MAME repository for major releases by copying and pasting these lines into a terminal:

wget http://sdlmame4ubuntu.org/repoc/957AC3A6.gpg -O- |
sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget http://sdlmame4ubuntu.org/repoc/lucid.major.list -O
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mame

If you want to install intermediate releases of MAME then copy and paste these lines into a terminal:

sudo wget http://sdlmame4ubuntu.org/repoc/lucid.urel.list -O
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mame

Intermediate releases of SDLMAME can be less stable than their major counterparts.

Another repository for both SDLMAME and SDLMESS can be found at apt.ludomatic.fr/. It is designed for Debian but will provide for Ubuntu soon (so they say).

A good front end for SDLMESS and SDLMAME is QMC2. You can add the Lucid repo and install it with:

sudo echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mmbossoni-gmail/emu/ubuntu lucid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3212DC8B
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qmc2

Alternatively, use this one line command to add the repositories to Lucid:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mmbossoni-gmail/emu

Not a repository but a vital piece of kit for anyone who wants to install web apps on his local computer, write and test PHP scripts or build a website that requires facilities usually only offered by web servers.

Lamp is the acronym for:

  • Linux
  • Apache
  • MySQL
  • PHP

It converts a regular desktop operating system into a web server capable system. And, thanks to the Ubuntu developers, is very easy to install into Lucid (and Karmic). Just copy and paste this line into a terminal and watch the magic be done:

sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

Next you will want to install PHPMyAdmin, the database management package:

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

The best way to manage your LAMP server (that I know of) is with Webmin which can be downloaded and installed from here.

Check your LAMP server is properly installed by pointing your web browser to http://localhost where you should be greeted by an Apache welcome message (of a sort).

You will be able to view PHPMyAdmin at http://localhost/phpmyadmin

If you cannot access PHPMyAdmin then you will need to create a symlink to it with:

sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin

You can enable Apache mod_rewrite with:

sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

To view your server space you need to point your file manager to /var/www

You can give yourself ownership of /var/www with

sudo chown username:username /var/www

Exchange “username” for your Lucid Lynx username.

Additional Software Sources
Key Server List

These are useful for finding PGP Keys to authenticate software repositories when the software’s maintainer hasn’t explicitly stated his PGP Key:

Additional Repository Guides



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